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  • Subdivision feasibility studies
  • Road layout plans, longitudinal section and cross section plans
  • Carpark design / layout plans
  • Drainage layout plans and longitudinal section plans
  • Signage, Line marking, and Traffic Control Plans
  • Landscaping plans
  • Utility layout plans
  • Lotfilling plans
  • Drainage retardation and treatment, network design, water sensitive urban design, MUSIC modelling
  • Urban drainage design / computations
  • Sewer and water reticulation, rising mains and pump stations
  • Rural / irrigation infrastructure including pumps, pipelines, earthen supply channels, above ground storage dams


  • Construction site datum establishment (horizontal and vertical control, TBM’s etc.)
  • As Constructed / Works as executed (WAE) surveys / plans
  • 3D design files for GPS machine control
  • Bulk earthwork volume computations
  • All types of construction set-out: sewer / water main extensions, drainage, kerb and channel, rural roads


At Onleys we have Project Managers that have the ability to prepare, organise and oversee a wide range of projects. Our project management services include:

  • Planning and Permit lodgement
  • Contract preparation
  • Tendering for contractors
  • Survey and set out
  • Organisation and supervision of contractors
  • Compliance
  • Commissioning support
  • As constructed survey & drafting



  1. End to End Project Management Services to GMW Connections

As part of the GMW Connections Project Onleys Consulting have been appointed End To End Project Managers (E2E PM)to provide oversight of the delivery of eight Strategic Connection Projects (SCP)

With Projects ranging from $3.5 Million to  $12million and over 370 Landowners , Onleys Consulting manage all six Project stages, from Project Initiation and Scoping to Close out & handover.

Onleys Consulting have the capabilities to manage all aspects of large, complex projects involving  competing stakeholders and challenging timelines.

Using up to date methodologies Onleys Consulting are able to keep Projects on track, provide Financial accountability and ensure Stakeholder buy in and Investor satisfaction.

Onleys Consulting use an ‘Under One Umbrella’ approach to deliver Landowner connections for GMW Connections, collaborating with a diverse range of internal and external service providers, providing innovative solutions and expert industry knowledge.

Regularly interfacing with both internal and external resources Onleys Consulting manage resourcing, planning, design, landowner engagement, legal agreement/business support and construction related activity needs.

As E2E PM Onleys Consulting are also responsible for monthly Project Scheduling including actuals and forecasts of project delivery activities, monthly Project Status reports, Change Management, Project Planning, Concept Development, and Stakeholder & Resource Management.

  1. Construction Management Services to GMW Connections

Onleys are members of the GM-W Connections Delivery Resource Panel.  As members of this panel we have been engaged by GM-W Connections to provide Project Management services for the On Farm Works component of active Strategic Connection Projects (SCP’s) within the Central Goulburn and Murray Valley Irrigation districts.   Our primary role is to assist landowners meet their Environmental, Health, Safety and Quality obligations as established in the legal agreements issued by GM-W Connections.  We also provide: constructability advice on GM-W request, tender services on Landowner request, planning direction along with a role in coordinating GM-W Construction works as they relate to On Farm Works.

  1. Project Management Services to Landowners opting for Co contribution agreements with GMW Connections.

As members of the GM-W Connections Delivery Resource Panel Onleys are also providing Project Management/Construction Management support to landowners who have opted for a Co-contribution agreement with GM-W Connections.

Under the terms of a Co-contribution agreement Landowners must engage a Project Manager from the GM-W Connections Delivery Resource Panel to meet agreement requirements.  In this case landowners must engage Project Managers directly.  Onleys provide cost effective options to meet your obligations under this agreement.  We can provide a level of service as it relates to Planning Requirements, Tender Management and site supervision which is tailored to your own capacity to assist in these areas.  We are also able to combine this with design and set out services to provide a one stop shop when it comes to managing Co-contribution agreements.

  1. Eaglehawk Landfill

Onleys were engaged to provide set-out surveying services for the duration of construction of cell 5 at the Eaglehawk Landfill site. The cell floor and batter slopes consisted of a prepared subgrade, a 500mm thick layer of compacted clay liner, a 2mm HDPE geomembrane liner, geotextile cushion, a minimum 300mm thick aggregate drainage blanket, and finally a geotextile filter over the top of the drainage blanket. Constant “as constructed” monitoring was required during each phase of construction to ensure the minimum depth requirements of the clay liner and drainage blanket, as well as the minimum batter and cell floor slope.

Onleys also provided support for “on the go” alterations to the cell and bund wall design, and for 3D GNSS machine guidance, including the creation of 3D machine control design, map, and control files.

At each stage of the construction process, Onleys provided As Constructed drawings as part of the contractor’s quality assurance requirements.

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